How To Make The Best Cup Of Coffee
It’s the start of a brand new day and you're ready to make your morning cup of coffee that will open your eyes and get you going. The question is what method should you use to brew that delicious cup of coffee. Each person has their favorite method, so here’s 3 ways you can brew that perfect cup.
We have all used the familiar drip brewing method (I'm talking about the regular coffee machine you have on your counter.) since it’s convenient and easy to use. You pour water into the reservoir, you add your filter and fill the filter with your favorite coffee as soon as you've finished freshly grinding it. The question is, how much coffee do you need? Too little and you've got coffee water, and too much and the coffee soaks up the water leaving you with a small amount of really strong coffee. The rule I've always used is measure 1/8th or 29.57ml of coffee for every 2nd line on the pot. So, for a 6 cup use 1 level scoop, for a 8 use 2 level scoops and for a full pot 3 scoops is perfect. Your choice of filter is bleached or non-bleached. Turning on the machine will start to heat up the water to start to flow on to the ground coffee. Most coffee makers allow you to 'sneak a cup' if you can't wait for the machine to finish brewing. Waiting until the brew is complete always tastes better. Ahhh..The smell of fresh coffee brewing is starting to open your eyes. Once brewed you now can enjoy that wonderful cup of coffee that you need to get your day started.
French Press
Have you ever thought about using a French press? Some coffee lovers swear by the French press method. The French press may feel like it takes longer to brew, but it really only takes 4 minutes and you’ll achieve a thicker, richer flavor coffee by using this method. Start by boiling your water. While the water is heating, grind your coffee. French press coffee calls for a coarse, even grind. If you are using a 17 oz press, I recommend 12 oz of water (350 grams) and 3 Tbsp (30 grams) of freshly ground coffee. To start, gently pour twice the amount of water to coffee onto your grounds and give the grounds a gentle stir. Allow the coffee to bloom for 30 seconds, add the rest of your water and position the lid gently on top of the grounds. Don’t plunge yet. Let the coffee steep for about four minutes and then slowly press the filter down. When you’ve finished pressing, serve the coffee immediately. Don’t let it sit, as this will cause it to continue brewing because the water and coffee grounds stay in contact being under pressure. To achieve a full expression of the coffee, decant it immediately after brewing so it doesn’t become bitter or chalky.
Pour Over
The perfect pour that your barista makes for you at your favorite coffee shop is not as hard as you think it is, it only seems complicated. To make the perfect pour over at home bring at least 600 grams (20 oz) of water to a boil. Grind 30 grams of coffee (3 tbsp) to a coarseness resembling sea salt. Place a filter in the dripper, wet the filter with hot water and then discard the water before proceeding with brewing. Into the filter, add your ground coffee and then pour in a little hot water in a circular path around the grounds to allow the coffee grounds to “bloom”. As hot water first hits the grounds, CO2 is released creating a blossoming effect and the grounds will rise up. Remember, you only want to use enough water to get the grounds wet. Let it rest for a minute or so and then slowly add the rest of the water to begin the brewing process. There will be 4 pours total for this coffee preparation . The next step is the hardest part, waiting for the coffee to finish dripping in the carafe or mug below. The pour over method may be a little slower but it's well worth the wait and will always impress your friends.